Giving Thanks for Love

Photo Credit: Reese Studios Photography
I am humbled to share today. I can't begin to explain much your love and your lives mean to me. Allowing me to take part in your wedding day is merely the beginning. I am here for you always - hence our hashtag #alwaysambiance. There is so much more to love and life in the Forever After. It is where the real work begins. Forever After is when you learn to grow together...grow your goals...grow your families.

And little ole me, here I am getting to share in the joys of life over and over and over again. It NEVER gets old. How could it? There is a new milestone around every corner, every day.

This couple, has blessed me so much. Their encouragement and support has been invaluable since meeting them. It is the client relationship every small business owner dreams of; genuine people that value what you do, looking for an outstanding experience and promoting you to others. As you recall, I helped welcome The Duncan's into Forever After in August of 2015. See their authentic wedding, HERE.

First comes Love, then comes Marriage, one year later...a baby carriage!

This year, I was more than delighted...a little pushy, as a matter of help pull together a baby shower. I really wanted to honor them in this way. Take peek at our Little Man (bow ties and mustache) Theme.

Finally, on November 10th, my husband's birthday, the news came...Bryson had arrived!!!

This experience, this year, with this couple, made me realize (especially with all of the fallout and backlash behind this years Presidential election), this is how I stay grounded and hopeful - look at what I get to do everyday? My job is to find more reasons to celebrate...unite people together in them celebrate more love. Gratifying and Satisfying indeed.

It's hard not to be thankful for the part love, joy, and happines play in my life. Happy Birthday Baby B! And Happy "Birth" day to The Duncans. Thank you for having me as a passenger on your love train. I'm looking forward to the next milestone.

Did I mention their daughters (both from previous relationships) are birthday twins?  Yup! These beautiful girls became big sisters on the 10th and turned 8 on the 11th! Without a doubt, I have already called dibs on ALL of their milestones! Just a little something else to look forward to.

How does love keep you grounded? Post a comment.

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